Jason Bittel

Jason Bittel is a freelance science writer who specializes in animals.

All Stories by Jason Bittel

  1. Paleontology

    The largest arthropod to ever live finally has a head 

    Fossils of an extinct giant millipede reveal new details about the arthropod’s anatomy.

  2. Animals

    Scientists have just turned giant panda skin cells into stem cells

    If the pluripotent stem cells can be turned into precursors to egg and sperm cells, the feat could potentially be a big deal for giant panda conservation.

  3. Animals

    Scientists piece together clues in a shark ‘murder mystery’

    A missing porbeagle shark was likely killed by a great white. It’s the first known case of adult porbeagles being hunted by a predator, scientists say.

  4. Animals

    In a first, these bats were found to have toes that glow

    Hairs on the toes of Mexican free-tailed bats fluoresce under UV light, a new study reports. The function of the toe glow is unknown.