Erin Garcia de Jesús is a staff writer at Science News. She holds a Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Washington, where she studied virus/host co-evolution. After deciding science as a whole was too fascinating to spend a career studying one topic, she went on to earn a master’s in science communication from the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her writing has appeared in Nature News, Science, Eos, Smithsonian Voices and more, and she was the winter 2019 science writing intern at Science News.

All Stories by Erin Garcia de Jesús

  1. Animals

    Jellyfish snot can sting swimmers who never touch the animal

    Researchers have found mobile cellular blobs coated with stinging cells in mucus from a jellyfish that sits upside-down on the seafloor.

  2. Life

    Bats’ immune defenses may be why their viruses can be so deadly to people

    A new study of cells in lab dishes hints at why viruses found in bats tend to be so dangerous when they jump to other animals.

  3. Life

    How thin, delicate butterfly wings keep from overheating

    Structures in butterfly wings help living tissues such as veins release more heat than the rest of the wing.

  4. Health & Medicine

    SARS and the new coronavirus target the same cellular lock to infect cells

    Experiments with living cells grown in the lab show that 2019-nCoV enters cells the same way as SARS.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Scientists question White House measures to limit spread of coronavirus

    The White House announced new steps to fight the coronavirus outbreak, in what’s becoming one of the biggest public health challenges in decades.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Can the coronavirus outbreak be contained?

    More than 50 million people are quarantined in China, but whether the strategy will stem the epidemic’s spread is unclear.

  7. Health & Medicine

    No, snakes probably aren’t the source of that new coronavirus in China

    Scientists are skeptical about a new study that pinpoints snakes as the animal reservoir for the ongoing coronavirus outbreak in China.

  8. Archaeology

    Mount Vesuvius may have suffocated, not vaporized, some victims

    A new study suggests people living near Pompeii who hid in stone boathouses died a slower death when the volcano erupted in A.D. 79.

  9. Humans

    Stress turns hair gray by triggering the body’s fight-or-flight response

    A study in mice finds stress responses deplete cells that give hair its pigment, making the strand white.

  10. Earth

    A 2.2-billion-year-old crater is Earth’s oldest recorded meteorite impact

    The newly dated Yarrabubba crater in Western Australia extends Earth’s impact record by more than 200 million years.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Exploding cancer cells can cause serious side effects in CAR-T cell therapies

    Blocking a protein caused cancer cells targeted with CAR-T cell immunotherapy to shrink rather than burst, which may help reduce inflammation.