Jonathan Lambert

Staff Writer, Biological Sciences, 2019-2021

Jonathan Lambert was a staff writer covering biological sciences at Science News from 2019 to 2021. He earned a master’s degree from Cornell University studying how a bizarre day-long mating ritual helped accelerate speciation in a group of Hawaiian crickets. A summer at the Dallas Morning News as a AAAS Mass Media fellow sparked a pivot from biologist to science journalist. He previously wrote for Quanta Magazine, NPR, and Nature News.

All Stories by Jonathan Lambert

  1. Animals

    Climate change may be shrinking tropical birds

    Scientists had previously found that migratory birds are getting smaller as temperatures rise. Dozens of tropical, nonmigratory species are too.

  2. Animals

    Baleen whales eat (and poop) a lot more than we realized

    The sheer volume of food that some whales eat and then excrete suggests the animals shape ecosystems to a much larger degree than previously thought.

  3. Health & Medicine

    What does the first successful test of a pig-to-human kidney transplant mean?

    For the first time, a pig organ was successfully attached to a human patient. It’s a step toward vastly increasing the supply of organs.

  4. Animals

    Scientists found modern domestic horses’ homeland in southwestern Russia

    Two genes tied to endurance and docility may help explain the horses’ success in spreading across Eurasia.

  5. Chemistry

    An easier, greener way to build molecules wins the chemistry Nobel Prize

    Chemists Benjamin List and David MacMillan have sparked a whole new field that’s aided drug discovery and made chemistry more environmentally friendly.

  6. Genetics

    All identical twins may share a common set of chemical markers on their DNA

    Identical twins may share a set of unique chemical tags on their DNA that could be used to identify individuals who were conceived as identical twins.

  7. Animals

    Bloodthirsty vampire bats like to drink with friends over strangers

    Cooperation among vampire bats extends beyond the roost. New research suggests that bonded bats often drink blood from animals together.

  8. Animals

    Streetlights, especially super bright LEDs, may harm insect populations

    Greenery under streetlights housed half as many caterpillars as darker areas did, researchers found.

  9. Animals

    A giant tortoise was caught stalking, killing and eating a baby bird

    Video captures the first documented instance of a tortoise hunting another animal.

  10. Animals

    These baby greater sac-winged bats babble to learn their mating songs

    Greater sac-winged bat pups babble their way through learning their rich vocal repertoire, similar to how human infants babble before speaking.

  11. Life

    Probiotics help lab corals survive deadly heat stress

    In a lab experiment, probiotics prevented the death of corals under heat stress, suggesting beneficial microbes could help save ailing reefs.

  12. Health & Medicine

    How different COVID-19 testing plans can help keep kids safe in school

    As children head back to school in the United States, here’s a look at various testing strategies that could keep kids safe during in-person learning.